Lucy Ellis is an experimental animator based in London. In her work she explores the digital and analogue through experimenting with process and materiality. She enjoys working with scrap and found materials repurposing them to form new identities and narratives differing from their original purpose or intention. The texture of materials is important to her practice, exploring how it evokes memory and time.
05 Woofing My Way Round Town
Six OLED Display spinning screen zoetrope in collaboration with Felix Loftus and Karsten Goodwin
Displayed at CSM Degree Show 2024
The prevalence of small screens in society can be explored as a form of expanded cinema and increased accessibility to moving image. These screens become part of our mundane and our world view becomes cohesive with our screens.
Crop circle images on 6 OLED displaysPelican walking on 6 OLED displaysDog running through 6 OLED displays