Lucy Ellis is an experimental animator based in London. In her work she explores the digital and analogue through experimenting with process and materiality. She enjoys working with scrap and found materials repurposing them to form new identities and narratives differing from their original purpose or intention. The texture of materials is important to her practice, exploring how it evokes memory and time.
00 Art Basel Miami 2024
As the inaugural winner of the DAZED X Rabanne Arts Factory 2024 I had the opportunity to display my work at the Art Basel 2024. The work I displayed using a series screens ranging in size.
PI:IG!@£$%^&*()@-----!!!Untitled [AI loop]PIXELA-ZZZ
Artist bio:
Lucy Eliis is an experimental animator and moving image artist based in london. In her practice she axplores the digital and analogue through experimenting with process and materiality. Her work incorporates the use of scrap and found materials repurposing them to form new identities and narratives differing from their original purpose or intention.
The work displayed explores our connection to the moving image in the digital age ranging from the errors in our technology and perception, to how we connect to the mediums of moving image. Themes of image compression and quality, errors in the digital frame, obsolete technology and the contrast between technophilla and technophobia are explored. The digital frame is not just a moment of imagination or capturing of time, the digital frame is a perfect formulation of pixels, a medium that can be broken and reformed. The digital frame is transportable between mediums and manifests itself physically through cold bodies of screens. Ellis reflects on her own experiences with digital technology while acknowledging a wider analysis of the way we perceive the digital frame.
Featuring works:
Untitled [AI loop]